Arael - Male Half Elven Cleric of Ra. Long blond hair, well groomed, clean shaven. He projects a calm reserve. He is charismatic and outspoken against the status quo in Rel Astra. He founded the name of the group, that aspires to create more and return the country to a semblance of a good place to live.
Janiven - Female
human archer. Shoulder length brunette curly hair, fair skinned and athletic.
She is an attractive lady in her early 20's who downplays her beauty with rough clothes and a
stern, no-nonsense attitude. firebrand,
and only really smiles and seems at ease after she has come to know someone a
Morosino - human,
male, 15 year old teenager. He is a runaway who does day labor and runs
Amaya - human,
female. A beautiful Baklunish woman in her mid-20's. She is a journeyman
glassblower and owns her own shop.
Ermolos 'the Younger'
- human, male. An apprentice blacksmith. He is very tall and very muscular. He
walks with a slight limp. His father was an adventurer who went
missing when Ermolus was a child.
Fiosa - halfling
female. She works as a chamber maid to a rich noble family.
Gorvio - human
male. His father owns a stables and he works as a stable hand. He is a great negotiator, and is very popular with 'the ladies'.
Larko - human,
male. Dock worker. Strong silent type.
Mathalen - human
female. Late teens to early 20's. She is plain and plain spoken. She works as a porter.
Rizzardo - human
male. 20 year old hot headed Suel from the Lordship of the Isles. He works at odd jobs.
Sclavo - human
male. Strong, soft spoken man in his late 20's, who works as a scribe for the Rel Astran courts. He dresses very well and is clearly well educated.
Tarvi - human
female. Her parents own a prosperous jewelry store 'the Glitter Palace.' She is
Vitti - human
male. A journeyman woodcarver. He is wiry and has hair that's dyed green.
Yakopulio - gnome
female. She's a bartender at 'the Bruised Eel', and has shady connections. She
likes to contradict and start arguments with others.
'The Boys' - Joined as a group when Janiven tried to recruit them, and they were found and persued by the Hell Knights.
Hadrian - Fiery Cleric of Ra, trained by Arael, leader of the Children of Medegia. He was born in the doomed city of Pontylver and has lived and was trained in the city of Rel Astra.
Kurgan - Simpleton Fighter. Seemingly loyal for Hadrian for saving his life. Raised in the countryside of Rel Astra.
Prexus - A secretive priest. He worships Hextor, which is publicly frowned on at best, and will get you a beating or knifing at worst. He was raised in Rel AStra until his family fled the city over a decade ago.
Imgar - A dwarf warrior and killer. Raised in the insular dwarven community of Rel Astra. Of late he seems attached to Prexus.
'Pumkinhead' Johnny - A criminal thug and rogue. Raised in the streets of Rel Astra. A sell sword with many petty crimes, though few convictions, so far.
'Swifty' - An elven warrior, who seems to relish the idea of joining a band of rebels. He was born in the Lendore Isles and has travelled to Rel Astra for reasons unknown.
Drayco -
Reasan -